Thirty, Flirty And Umm… Figuring Everything The Fuck Out
You know, there is this saying that everyone posts when they turn 30 that says, “Thirty, Flirty And Thriving” and all I gotta say to that about me is…. AHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
This week, I celebrated my 30th birthday and while I was shit scared to face the realness of entering a new decade, I also was very excited at the same time.
But, let’s be real, the thought of turning the big 30 is daunting as fuck.
We are programmed from a young age by society that we need to have our lives together by 30.
We should have the perfect relationship, the house, the stable job, the family, the mum jeans in the wardrobe, the lunch boxes packed for the kids… yeah umm well… let me just tell you that I’m not even close to any of those things and while I spent basically the whole of 29 putting pressure on myself to meet this ‘standard’, I now realise that meeting that by a certain time doesn’t matter.
All that matters is what we each desire as an individual, and if we are actively doing things to fulfil those desires… yeah, I still want all of those things, but do I need them RIGHT NOW?
No, I don’t.
What I need right now is to be happy, figure out my life and who I am without the noise of going off on the wrong path just because that is what we are taught to do from a young age.
Literally, in the last week, I have realised that it’s soooo okay to not have everything figured out, it’s okay to be a fucking mess, it’s okay to not know what we want because we are on the right path too finding out… and tbh, figuring things out in our own time and our own freedom sounds much more exciting to me than being trapped down in the wrong relationship, in the wrong job, or on the wrong path.
We might not know where we are flying, but we are still flying.
carlylala x