Anxiety And Depression Can Be A Fucking Bitch And Here's What To Look Out For
2020 has been the absolute fuck ass of all things.
It has been a year where we have not only learnt about the world around us, but also the world living inside us, and that can be a lot to take on.
Some of us have experienced thoughts that we have never felt before, some of us have had our lives turned upside down, some of us have gone through the unthinkable, and other people’s lives have carried on as normal with the world coming down fast around them.
No matter who you talk to, or who you come across, there isn’t anyone who hasn’t been impacted by this year in some way and to me that is terrifying.
It scares me that people who haven’t experienced anxiety or depression before are now trapped in the middle of a burning bubble of emotion and despair and aren’t too sure how to manage it or how to even recognise it.
For once, those of us who do suffer from anxiety or depression, or other mental illnesses know these feelings all too well and it’s not shocking for us, this is our normal… but in saying that, it can be and has been for me extremely heightened during this time… which is also something to look out for and to monitor.
One of the hardest things about having anxiety is trying to keep our thoughts into something that is within our control… and then fucking 2020 showed up and literally this is so hard to do because well… you know… 2020.
It’s so important to remember that high levels of anxiety and ongoing low mood should not be ignored and that there are so many resources available now that can help us.
If you feel like you may be experiencing some intense anxiety which could also be an anxiety disorder, please look out for the following symptoms… rapid heart rate, sweating, lightheadedness, feeling faint, trembling, excessive fear, inability to concentrate, trouble breathing, sleep disruptions, nausea, inability to stay in the present moment, being wound up and edgy, hot and cold flushes, tightening of the chest, dry mouth, obsessive thinking, quick breathing, restlessness, avoidance of everyday situations and an intense feeling of dread.
These are just some of the symptoms that someone who is suffering with might experience… please note that this is not a diagnosis and it is extremely important to see a doctor to discuss any of the symptoms above.
Anxiety can make it extremely hard for the person to complete everyday things, it can impact your personal life, your work life or literally any aspect of your life.
It can even leave people riddled with fear to leave the house or to even have a conversation about the weather or a simple “hello”.
While it can seem like there is no way of getting past the intense feelings, there is help out there and the first step is talking to someone and especially talking to your doctor about what you are going through.
It is not uncommon to have these feelings and emotions show up, especially this year. So please do not ignore them and know that there is help out there.
While it might seem that anxiety and depression are two totally different things, weirdly, they can sometimes come as a package deal.
For me personally, my anxiety and depression switch between each other like a fucking yoyo and that can be exhaustingggggg, but I have discovered so many tools and coping skills that work for me so I can actually get through each day… and don’t get me wrong, some days are a complete fuck up and it takes over me, but I know the next day I can try again.
If you think that you may be showing signs of depression, please do not let it scare you. I know that it can pretty scary and overwhelming to hear, but it is also very common and once again especially this year.
It can also be pretty hard to figure out what is an actual symptom… or if it’s the Covid fear taking over. To be honest, we are all currently living through a state of trauma and adjustment, so more than ever it is important to be aware of your emotions and be able to tap into how you’re truly feeling
Some of the symptoms of depression are… not able to leave the house, not wanting to go out at all, not doing or avoiding hobbies or things we are normally passionate about, not being able to complete work or school work, isolating and withdrawing from family and friends, checking out and dissociating, turning to alcohol and sedatives for coping, not being able to concentrate, brain fog, poor self-esteem, dry mouth, feelings of being extremely overwhelmed, guilty, sad, frustrated, lacking in confidence, irritable, angry, unhappy, indecisive, disappointed, miserable, aggravated, numb, in a daze, spaced out… just to name a few.
You might also find that you are tired all the time, get sick quite easily, have intense headaches and muscle pains, have struggles falling to sleep or staying asleep, waking up feeling unrested, have a loss or change in appetite, becoming addicted to things that help you numb yourself, having intrusive thoughts and feeling like a little task is like running a marathon.
Once again, these are just a few and the most common symptoms of depression and they can also come hand in hand with anxiety symptoms too.
If you notice that you could be experiencing all or any of these symptoms, please reach out for professional help.
Please note again that this is not a diagnosis and it is extremely important to see a doctor to discuss any of the symptoms above.
This is not something that you have to go through alone and there are trained professionals to help you and you they WILL help you. coming from someone who has experienced it, I promise it does help.
It can be extremely scary to make the first step, but just like anything scary, the worst part is literally the lead up and maybe the first 5 minutes and you will be so thankful that you that you reached out and got support… because you truly deserve to live a life that makes you happy and not one you’re hiding from.
You got this.
If your thoughts are become too overwhelming, or if you need someone to talk to urgently, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or if you’re out of Australia, please call your suicide hotline for your country.
carlylala x