2020 has been the absolute fuck ass of all things.
All tagged life
Do you ever just have moments in life when you’re instantly connected to something, it just hits differently, it can change your emotions, your day, your life around in a second?
To anyone who also suffers from anxiety, to anyone who suffers from depression, to anyone who suffers from any mental illness, to anyone who is feeling uneasy, scared, or nervous about what is currently going on in the world, firstly you made it through yesterday, you got up today and that is something that you should be so proud of!
I have been trying to find hand sanitizer to buy for weeks with no luck, so my mum and I decided to make our own!
It’s no secret that the whole world right now is basically living in fear, a type of fear that we have never felt before and a type of fear we never saw coming.
The person you just looked at with unbrushed hair as you walked down the street… just found out her mum has cancer.
The person you sat next to on the train… her husband just cheated on her.
At the age of 29, I thought I would be more, I thought I would be further, I thought I would’ve learnt more lessons by now, I thought I wouldn’t still cry when people were horrible…
You know, there is this saying that everyone posts when they turn 30 that says, “Thirty, Flirty And Thriving” and all I gotta say to that about me is…. AHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Okay hello hi lol so I have been wanting to do this for a while ever since I read Taylor Swift’s ELLE article about the lessons she learned before 30 and then tbh, I chickened out because I was scared that I hadn’t learned anything lol… but it turns out I have and I still am, so yay to development!!
I am not gonna lie, being 29 isn’t easy… tbh, from 25 to 29 is really tough, especially as a woman.